Monday, December 10, 2012

Do you see what I see?

I started last week strong on the blog front...and ended poorly.  But I'm back bitches, so let's see if I can do better this week!  First, let's recap my weekend shall we.  Friday night the boys wanted to ride around and look at Christmas lights in our little town.  It took all of 10 minutes to see them all.  Yeah our town is that small.  And we live amongst a bunch of grinches.  Everytime we would drive past a house that wasn't lit up the boys would say, "Those people just don't have the Christmas spirit!"  I know that's not *totally* true because I know what a pain in the A-hole it is to purchase lights and put them up.  But still.  Give us something! 

Saturday was our family Christmas with my mom's side of the family.  They are cray cray and I always look forward to seeing them.  I had my friend Crown Royal to keep me company and we had a lovely time.  Oh and I also had fun visiting with the fam.  :)

"50 dollars and a flask of crown..."

Me and my favorite only sister!

I really need to grow.

Man of great patience to complete this puzzle with those three goonies!

I dislike this picture but if you look at the back right, that's my Meemaw...with her violet hair.  And my cousin in cosmetology school had bright purple in hers.  For once I was the one with a "normal" hair color.  That Meemaw called "Wine".  I'm totally ok with that!

After the family party was over, we went out to the "Country".  Now when I say that, I am referring to Christopher's family's land that is indeed in the country.  So from now on when I refer to the country, I am actually referring to a place, not just randomly calling everything the country.  The boys love going out there and doing "man stuff" with Christopher and I love when they let me join them!  We rode around on the golf cart and did hillbilly things.  It was quite fun and got the chillrens good and tired.

Boys checking a feeder (aka setting it off so the corn will hit them).

Somebody got brave and put Mama behind the wheel!  Nooooot smart!

Ok so as not to bore you simply with my weekend recap, I want to talk about this weight loss crap.  As of last week, I am down 13 pounds.  Yay for that!  Unfortunately, while I should be motivated by this, I am not.  I was feeling a difference in my clothes, and I love that.  But, I don't "see" the difference in my pictures and that bugs me.  I kept taking pictures this weekend and thinking hmm...maybe if my hair was different my face wouldn't look so fat.  Or maybe it's the way I'm sitting/standing that is making me look so large and in charge.  Well folks, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that it's not my hairstyle.  It's not how I'm posing.  It's not the clothes I'm wearing.  It's just me.  I have come a tiny way with the weight loss, but I still have so far to go.  I guess when I saw the number on the scale going down, I felt like I was so close to my goal.  And I'm not.  And that's ok.  I have no deadline.  There is no ticking bomb somewhere that is going to go off anytime soon.  I know this is a journey that is going to take a while.  And even once I do reach my goal (because I WILL), it is not over.  I will have to work hard to maintain my weight loss and healthy lifestyle (I will not make the mistake I made last time and revert back to old habits just because I think I'm "done").  So yeah.  That's where I'm at there.  I am doing some fun "challenges" via my new pals on Instagram and the blogging world.  I will try and post about those tomorrow or Wednesday.  They are keeping me accountable in at least two areas, so hopefully this week I will rock the shit out of the gym and get back some much needed motivation!

Oh and I have decided that once I reach at least 20 followers, then I will take the plunge and spend some dolla dolla bills to have my blog revamped!  So...get to following people!

Over and out.


  1. You + Me + bottle of Crown = epic night. Let's get on this, shall we? ;) xoxo

  2. ummmm 13 lbs is amazing!!! go you!!! and instagram is helping me stick to my workouts...but I fell off the plank wagon this weekend. oopsy. something about doing really good on a plank and then having to beat it the next day makes it super hard!
