Thursday, March 14, 2013

The cleanse is almost upon me...

This is gonna be short and sweet folks!  Sunday Christopher and I are starting the Advocare 10 Day Cleanse and I need your help!  I know many of you have done it before, so please help a sista out!  I want to be fully prepared for this so I leave myself no room for slacking. 
Here are the things I need from YOU:
1. What are some things you found *essential* in getting you through the cleanse?  (Specific snacks or meal items.)
2. Do you have any awesome cleanse-friendly recipes that you ate and enjoyed?
3. Is there anything that you encountered during the cleanse that you weren't prepared for or that you wish you had known before hand?
4. Any other advice?
5. There is no number five, I just don't like to end on even numbers.
You can answer on here, or e-mail me at: thataggiegirl09(at)yahoo(dot)com!
Thanks in advance lovelies!
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  1. 1. Natural Peanut butter and oatmeal. Kept me feeling fuller throughout the day
    2. I really enjoyed eating cajun shrimp and asparagus(recipe on my blog) but not sure if you like seafood or not
    3. I wasn't expecting to feel as tired as I was on days 1-3 but after that I felt great. It really helped to plan out all of my meals for the day so there was no guessing
    4. be prepared. plan out daily what you're going to eat and don't stress too much about it. days 1-3 are the hardest then you'll blink and it will be over.

    YOu can do it ! I just posted my results from the cleanse today!

  2. I did a post on it awhile ago with some suggestions. You got this girl in the bag....

  3. Good luck girl..I'm sure you will do great!

  4. I'm starting next Monday..... AHHH!!!!!
    Good luck!
